Thursday, February 26, 2009
My girl, Annette has been doing these on her blog, thought I would give it a try...this really required some serious thought on a few... MY answers are in italics...
And...here we go!
1. I'm living, I'm able, I am blessed!.
2. Why do I have so many ideas and not enough time!.
3. How does this stimulus package work, anyway?
4. Every morning, I put Burts Bees on my chapped lips.
5. I consider myself lucky because I have 3 healthy kids.
6. One day we’ll see if I can figure out how to balance my life!.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Jackson's Basketball game, tomorrow my plans include working rehab(physical therapy that rehab) and Sunday, I want to really hear the message at church on "Toxic People" in our life!
Have a good weekend !