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My place to share with family & friends... pieces of my life and some sparks of creativity that come to me in between my crazy days of now! Remember that each day is a gift!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Grant's 1st Day of School

Grant's 1st day of 4 year old Pre School. This is different from last year in that he now attends in the afternoon! Argh!! What can you do... He was so excited to see his teachers again & his friends from last year... but sooo anxious to go. " When can we go, mom?" and " Is it time to go to Pre school now?" Hear he is ..." first day" picture!


Nancywithajones said...

omgsosh can he GET ANY CUTER THAN THIS!!!!I say no! TOO ADORABLE

Annette said...

He looks SO big!!! What a cutie! Congrats on your first day!

~Telah said...

Very cute pictures...and I LOVE that couch in the background...looks so comfy!